Friday, October 8, 2010

Bleach Episode 290: For the Sake of Justice?! The Man Who Deserted the Shinigami

Bleach Episode 290: For the Sake of Justice?! The Man Who Deserted the Shinigami is the continuation of the Bleach series from the last episode Bleach Episode 289: Byakuya vs. Kenpachi?! The Melee Commences.

Komamura learns the truth behind Tosen's relentless search for justice: Tosen had lost a beloved friend to murder by her Shinigami husband, and he joined the academy in order to get his revenge for her demise. Komamura activates his Bankai but is repulsed continually by Tosen who tells him that he knows his Bankai's weakness, which is that he can cause damage to Komamura himself whenever his Bankai is damaged. Tosen then dons his hollow form which he calls Grillado Grillo: it takes the form of a hairy insect. When he opens its eyes in this new form, Tosen exults that he can see the world for the first time. Meanwhile, Aizen finally draws his blade against Hirako. Hirako then tells him he is grossly mistaken if he believes he is the only one with a Zanpaktou that has power over the senses and calls for his Shikai.