Sunday, March 20, 2011

Logo tattoos

"I bet you $ _______ dollars, that you won't get breast implants/a stupid tattoo/a logo permanently on your body!

How often do you hear questions like that from your friends rich enough to support their own stupid gambling habits?

It's what some marketing executives are calling the final frontier in advertising. Publicity stunts like the ""human billboard campaign"" pop up all over the news and on the internet.

In 2006 a Utah woman had tattooed on her forehead for $10,000 in order to pay for school for her child. This same stunt's been commit
ted repeatedly by the gambling site that's been made famous more for its publicity stunts than its games. This is NOT tattoo art, but rather naked tattoo commerce.

However, tattoos as bets don't end there. While I was uncovering the many stupid tattoos across the internet, I was wholly shocked at how many corporate logos there really are.

Macintosh appears to have the largest following with pages and pages of fan tattoos of that adorable Mac apple logo. Some have even taken it back as far as getting the smiley computer logo from the early 90's Mac.

Nike's fans are far and wide, but they even have a group of gung ho employees that call themselves the Ekin (nike backwards) that began the insider craze of Nike tattoos. Soon after the management got in on it and brought three tattoo artists to the office, ""just incase"" there was more interest in getting Nike logo permanently tattooed on their bodies.

Companies don't even need to bother offering money in exchange for tattoos any longer. Independent people are getting logo with their own money, and contacting companies afterward hoping to reap the rewards of being a walking billboard. Again, this has little to do with tattoo art.

In 2007 the biggest fan of the Zune downloading site got the attention of Microsoft, after getting not one but two tattoos of the Zune logo. Microsoft had him flown out to the Zune headquarters to meet the team.

While Microsoft may not be as popular as Mac in the tattoo department, there is a young man who has the entire ""blue screen of death"" message that appears on PCs if a driver isn't loaded correctly tattooed on the inside of his arm.

With getting a well known logo tattooed on yourself, there's also a level of ego to go with it. Currently on the social networking site, ""Facebook"" there are two people with groups that boast if a certain number of people join, they will get the ""Facebook"" logo tattooed on themselves.