Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bleach Manga 445: The Dark Beat


From the last episode... Bleach Manga 444: The Rising. Ichigo's fullbring has evolved and appears with his clad type full bring meaning its the same as his bankai. Chad notes that his shihakusho changes with his sword and like Ichigo had said his clothing is a part of his bankai it’s the same here, so he is literally engulfed in his bankai. For Ichigo to wear his power represents his true self. As per Riruka's  dollhouse where Ichigo is doing its training. Tsukishima knows that it will eject its contents if the container or the dollhouse wil be damage or destroyed. Ichigo doesnt know who Tsukishima is and Chad tries to attack Tsukishima and damages the apartment. Ichigo overheared that Ginjou and Chad talking about his fullbring and that Tsukishima is the one that attacked Orihime, so Ichigo ask Tsukishima if he is the one who also attacked Ishida. His reply is like "well what do you think?" This causes Ichigo to attack him. They fight and Tsukishima is amazed at how well Ichigo is using his fullbring but comments that It is still ridiculously incomplete. Tsukishima told Ichigo that if he focuses on Ichigo's right arm it loses its fullbring shroud completely rendering it useless. Ginjou decides that he will have to step in.

Will Ginjou's fullbring be able to match Tsukishima's? Will Ichigo be able to control his fullbring or shall I say his bankai? I cannot wait to read the next episode ...

You can get the full episode of Bleach Manga 445: The Dark Beat, at ...