Friday, July 1, 2011

Bleach Manga 453 - Mute Your Breathe Friendship

Bleach Manga 453 - Mute Your Breathe Friendship is the continuation of the Bleach Manga series.

From the last episode...
Bleach Manga 452 - Erosion/Implosion. Tsukishima greets Ichigo, saying it has been a while. Yuzu Kurosaki says that Tsukishima just showed up and they had dinner together. Karin Kurosaki then adds that he showed up out of the blue and asks why he always does that. Tsukishima asks if he is being a bother and Karin says she would not go that far. Yuzu begins telling Ichigo to ask Tsukishima about something but is interrupted by Ichigo grabbing Tsukishima asking what he is doing doing. Karin and Yuzu call to him to get him to stop and saying he is hurting Tsukishima. Ichigo angrily asks what Tsukishima did to Karin and Yuzu. Tsukishima tells Karin and Yuzu that it is fine and that Ichigo is probably just upset that he is imposing on them at this late hour. Ichigo yells again and tells Tsukishima to answer him but they are interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Tsukishima asks Yuzu to get it as it is Keigo Asano and the others.

Mizuiro Kojima, Keigo and Tatsuki Arisawa walk in. Mizuiro says hello to everyone and Yuzu gives them some slippers. Keigo and Mizuiro are surprised to see Ichigo there and Tatsuki asks Ichigo about his running off at night and says he should come home at a reasonable hour as he is making Karin and Yuzu lonely. Karin says that they are fine but Yuzu disagrees. Keigo and Mizuiro greet Tsukishima and Tsukishima apologizes to Ichigo for having them over so late but he has not seen them in so long and tomorrow is Sunday so it does not really matter. Tsukishima then says that he should call Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Sado. He grabs the phone and calls Orihime who initially does not recognize him but he reminds her and begins to invite her to Ichigo's house. Suddenly, Ichigo throws Tsukishima against the wall and everyone is shocked and run to his aide. Ichigo demands to know what Tsukishima did to everyone. Tatsuki asks if Tsukishima is fine and he says he is but Keigo says he is bleeding. Ichigo once more demands answers but Tatsuki asks what he is doing and demands Ichigo apologize. Ichigo tries to explain but once more Tatsuki demands he apologize. Everyone begins to question Ichigo and say he is acting weird.

Not able to take it any longer, Ichigo flees his house and runs. He begins to wonder what Tsukishima's ability is when he runs into Ikumi Unagiya. Ikumi sees Ichigo and asks him what is wrong. Ichigo gets in her car and they go back to her store. She makes him a drink and says he can stay there until he calms down. She says if he wants to talk about what is going on he should feel free to. Ichigo thanks her and she shoves his face up against her breast. Ichigo begins to talk but she tells him to be quiet. The doorbell rings and Ikumi wonders who it could be. Ichigo begins to question if he should tell her what is going on but comes to the conclusion she would not understand. Ikumi comes back and tells Ichigo that Tsukishima is there to cheer him up. Ichigo then runs once more. He begins to think he is the only sane one left before Kūgo Ginjō shows up, out of breath. He tells Ichigo that Tsukishima has taken out the rest of Xcution.