Monday, August 22, 2011

Naruto Shippuden 225 : The Cursed Ghost Ship

From the last Episode Naruto Shippuden 224:The Ninja of Benisu. Another filler... well here it goes... as Naruto, Aoba, Guy and Yamato continue their voyage towards the Land of Lightning. To pass the time, Yamato tells Aoba and Naruto some ghost stories knowing Naruto is scared of ghost. So Yamato tells the story about the ghost ship and as Yamato is telling the story, a seemingly abandoned ship which meets the exact same characteristics and conditions appears next to their ship. Yamato, Aoba and Naruto board the ship to investigate and Naruto comes across a young boy who says his name is Hishaku. He apparently lived alone on the ship and tended to it but he was once one of the crew of the ship until they were wiped out by a creature Hishaku called the "Skeleton Crab". This creature then attacks the boat, capturing Yamato. Naruto then tells Aoba to warn Guy and the rest of the crew. Naruto, with the help of Hishaku, defeats the Skeleton Crab, and Hishaku then reveals that he is, in fact, a ghost. When the crab attacked the first time, the captain told Hishaku that he was young and to save himself and ever since then, Hishaku's soul couldn't rest, because it felt guilty at letting its crewmates die. When the crab was defeated, Hishaku's soul, and the souls of the rest of the crew members who couldn't rest either, left with the ship, which really was a "ghost ship". 

You can watch the full episode Naruto Shippuden 225 : The Cursed Ghost Ship at Crunchyroll...enjoy...