Thursday, March 25, 2010

Naruto Shippuden Manga Episode 488 : Returning To Their Village

The Naruto Shippuden Manga Episode 488 : Returning To Their Village is the continuation of the Naruto Manga Series with the last episode Naruto Shippuden Manga Episode 487:The Battle Begins. From the last episode, Naruto and Suske finally meet up and declares war against each other,  in this episode the 4 kages have returned to their own respective village. But before they arrive the Daimyo's or the feudal lords have come up with an alliance. So Konoha does not have a Hokage since Danzo's death from the hands of Suske, Kakashi will be the elders bet for the next Hokage since he was highly recommended by Gaara the Kazekage of the sand village but as the elders of Konoha and  Kakashi was talking about it a big news came up, it appears that Tsunade has waked up from being as sleep when he drained his chakra from saving the whole village when Pain attacked the village. On the other hand it appears that the eyes of Itachi has been successfully been transfered to Suske and feels that he got strong from aquiring the eyes of Itachi...