Friday, April 2, 2010

Naruto Shippuden Manga Episode 489 : Heading Towards the Great Ninja War

The Naruto Shippuden Manga Episode 489 : Heading Towards the Great Ninja War is the continuation of the Naruto Manga Series with the last episode Naruto Shippuden Manga Episode 488 : Returning To Their Village.

From the last episode... The Ninja alliance has been formed for the  Great ninja war  and Tsunade finally woke up.   The Naruto Shippuden Manga Episode 489 : Heading Towards the Great Ninja War starts of when the the Elder Frogs about giving naruto the scroll that Jiraiya have release and passed to Naruto before he died. The Elder frog ask them to summon Naruto for him to see his future. Back Konoha Tsunade is replenishing his chakra by eating as much as he can. On the Intelligence room they are still interrogating Karin. Tsunade called a meeting for the preparation of the Ninja war. On the Other hand Sakura was so happy to tell Naruto and everyone on the village about Tsunade. Back on the Frog mountain Naruto was summon before he can eat the ramen and as Ojiji reads his future and see that he will meet the octopus and will fight the boy with power in his eyes. So the scroll has been opened and so the final jutsu that Jiraiya spoke of will be released next episode... and on the other end Kabuto show up and meet Madara (Tobi) and is offering alliance...

It appears that that the Great Ninja Wars is near and whats are the things that we need to watch out on the next episode.... The question here is that what happen when Naruto released the seal on the scroll? Will Madara(Tobi) will accept the offer of Kabuto...

Click here to read the full scanlation of  Naruto Shippuden Manga Episode 489 : Heading Towards the Great Ninja War online...

Next Episode:
Naruto Shippuden Manga Episode 490: The Preparation Starts