Thursday, September 9, 2010

Naruto Shippuden 177: Iruka's Ordeal

Naruto Shippuden 177: Iruka's Ordeal is the continuation of the Naruto Shippuden series from the last episode Naruto Shippuden 176: Rookie Instructor Iruka.

This is the continuation of the flash back episode way back when Naruto still in the academy when Iruka is still his homeroom teacher. The episode was all about how Iruka being inspired of what the 3rd Hokage (Hiruzen Sarutobi) spoke of after his parents died when the nine tailed fox attack Konoha. How Iruka having his will of fire passed to the next generation of ninja. But since the 3rd Hokage (Hiruzen Sarutobi) appointed him now as a homeroom teacher of Naruto. But what I see as the main scene here is the part when Kakashi talks to Iruka talking about the basic rule of teaching "You cannot open the mind of another unless your yourself have an open mind" but and everytime he see Naruto he is seeing the nine tailed fox but he knows that Naruto is not to blame by that. But Kakashi replied to him that he would be the only person that can reach Naruto's heart and that would be Irukas personal ordeal which 3rd Hokage (Hiruzen Sarutobi) given to him and told him to hang in there a little more and he would find a way. After this scene Iruka saw Naruto being left behind by his playmates since the the have families and needs to go home for dinner. There is also a scene when Shikamaru ask his parents why they are looking that bad on Naruto and he was asked by his father (Shikaku) what he thinks about him and replied that his stupid and funny and they would be buddies anyway and Shikaku told him that just do what he wants. That night Iruka was not able to sleep and tried to go to Naruto's place first thing in the morning and found out that the only thing that Naruto ate only noodles. The last part of the episode was when 3 other kids from the academy tricked Naruto that in order for them to accept him as friend he needs to retrieve the corpse's of the enemy ninjas from the back hills. Iruka was looking for Naruto that morning on the class and Shikamaru told the class about what the 3 kids told Naruto.

As for the next episode it appears that Iruka and Kakashi rescued Naruto from the enemy ninjas from the back hills...

Here is the preview of the  Naruto Shippuden 177: Iruka's Ordeal courtesy of  Youtube...enjoy...