Friday, September 30, 2011

ThunderCats (2011 TV series)

ThunderCats (2011 TV series)

Ever lived in the 80's? Well I guess that reveals my true age. Well as part of my childhood, I was able to watch the series that was debuted 1984. Well that time I was not able to fully understand the series but what I remember was when the main character Lion-O swing the sword and shout "Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats! Ho!" the sword goes longer and the logo of the Thundercats will show up on a red spot light just like what they did on batman and the other thundercats like Cheetara, Panthro and Tygra goes strong . We even role play that scene with my friends and cousins. Enough of those reminiscing and lets go to the main article. As I have mentioned, those who have lived in the 80's maybe you have watched or even shout along with Lion-O, that is if you are a kid of course that time... heheheh...

Last July, 2011 Warner Bros. Animation has begun producing the new ThunderCats animated series. The series began with an hour-long premiere on Cartoon Network on July 29, 2011. The show started airing on 10th September 2011 in the United Kingdom. As for me I just read it from a forum and watched the first 8 episodes. 

The Story and Setting
For generations, the Thunderians have lived and thrived in the kingdom of Thundera. However, one night the kingdom is attacked by the Lizard army, led by the evil sorcerer Mumm-Ra. After Thundera is destroyed, a small band of surviving Thunderians, led by the young heir to the throne Lion-O, who wields the powerful Sword of Omens, flees in order to seek out the Book of Omens, which is said to have the knowledge needed to defeat Mumm-Ra.
The story of this new series differs greatly from the original ThunderCats, the story takes place on Third Earth, Thundera in this version is a city-state on the planet and is doomed for destruction. Instead of having to leave the planet Thundera the characters are forced to abandon their devastated nation.

While some look at this new series as a reboot, others take the view that it is a continuation of the story, years after the original ThunderCats, with the current cast being reincarnations/decendants of the original team

The Characters

The Thundercats
The leader, and the hereditary "Lord of the ThunderCats." Lion-O, based on the lion, wields the legendary Sword of Omens, which is able to fire bolts of energy and allows Lion-O to see across great distances with its power of "Sight Beyond Sight", as well as the Claw Shield, a gauntlet that launches grappling lines from its claws. In the 2011 version, Lion-O is a teenager instead of being a boy inside an adult body. He is the only one at the beginning who believes that technology and Mumm-Ra exist. His catchphrase is "Whiskers!" whenever he finds himself in a bad situation. In "Legacy," it is revealed that Lion-O had an ancestor named Leo who played a part in the defeat of Mumm-Ra. Lion-O's weapons: Sword of Owens and Claw Shield. Lion-O may be faster than Cheetara as he was a blurr while dodging the Deulist's attacks in episode 8.
Known as "Jaga the Wise", based on the jaguar, this elder warrior was once regarded as the greatest of all ThunderCats. An adviser and protector of the Lord’s family, Jaga wielded the Sword of Omens and was a formidable fighter in combat. In the 2011 series, the character serves as head of Thundera's cleric warriors before remaining behind to ensure Lion-O and his group escape. He is later revealed to be alive and being tortured into revealing the location of the Book of Omens to Mumm-Ra, though doing his best to resist the villain's magic when sealed within a lantern, eventually his much of his freewill wavers along with his physical form. Though Jaga destroys the lantern that was keeping his soul intact to save Lion-O from Mumm-Ra, his soul took residence within the Book of Omens and becomes Lion-O's guide within it. In addition to his knowledge of ancient secrets, this incarnation of Jaga is able to move at superhuman speed, an ability shared by all the cleric warriors, and is also shown projecting lightning from his staff.
A staunch, level-headed warrior based on the tiger and he is the adopted older brother of Lion-O. Though unable to succeed his foster father due to having the wrong "bloodline," Tygra was the more favored son. In the premiere, he has shown his invisibility powers as the original version. While he retains his bola whip, he prefers to use a pistol as his main weapon, though despising technology in a beginning. Tygra has confronted Lion-O and questioned his decisions as Lord of he ThunderCats, but remains nonetheless loyal to him; he has also shown a caring side towards his teammates (he was the one who insisted in letting Wilykit and Wilykat joining them), and a sarcastic, somehow comic vein.
The next noble and greatest warrior after Jaga, and based on the panther. Even though a warrior in all forms of ThunderCats martial arts fighting, Panthro has a brilliant mind, which he uses as the chief mechanic/engineer and pilot for the ThunderCats. Panthro is one of Claudus' more loyal soldiers who was sent with his friend Grune to find the Book of Omens. Their attempted search resulted with Mumm-Ra's release and Grune betraying Panthro, who while fighting Grune fell down an abyss and seemingly was killed. However, Panthro survived and constructed the Thundertank, which he later used to save Lion-O's group from Slythe's platoon. Though he questioned Lion-O's ability to lead, Panthro eventually accepted him as the new king. Unlike the rest of the Thundercats he never learned how to swim.

A female warrior, based on the cheetah. she is the sole surviving member of Thundera's cleric warriors other than Jaga and shows much more attraction between Lion-O and her than in the original series. In addition it was also implied that Tygra has shown an interest in her, though it may be one-sided as he flirted with a cleric in the first episode, only to later learn to his mild surprise that the same cleric was Cheetara herself. Cheetara also seems to be very close to Lion-O, since she never shuns him for his interest in technology and seem to support his kindness to other races that were mistreated. It is shown that Cheetara's superhuman speed is not an ability unique to herself, but an ability possessed by all Thundarian clerics, including Jaga and possibly Lion-O.
WilyKit and WilyKat 

They are the twin siblings, Kat being the older brother and Kit as the younger sister, both based on the wildcat. they are both street urchins and pickpockets with aspirations to find the lost city of El Dara and become rich. When the Reptilians attack Thundera, the two manage to escape during the chaos before eventually teaming up with Lion-O on his journey. In this version, the WilyKit and WilyKat have bushy tails, something none of the adult ThunderCats are shown to possess. They also have some skill at picking locks.
An elder Snarf, properly known by his name Osbert, which he hates, Snarf served as a nursemaid and protector for Lion-O when he was a boy. In the 2011 cartoon, Snarf is more of a pet to Lion-O and does not speak English but can make animal sounds (though it seems Lion-O can still understand him). In later episodes, he goes "Snarf".

The main Villain

The chief villain and antagonist of the ThunderCats, the demon-sorcerer Mumm-Ra is the self-proclaimed "ever-living source of evil" on Third Earth, having powers of sorcery and an apparently unlimited lifespan. He is, in fact, a servant to the Ancient Spirits of Evil (represented by four anthropomorphic statues of a boar, crocodile, vulture, and ox thus resembling oversized, twisted mockeries of Egyptian canopic jars, within the burial chamber of his pyramid), who provide him with increased power and virtual immortality to further his pursuit of spreading their dark influence throughout Third Earth
In the 2011 version, Mumm-Ra is of alien origin and used the advanced technology at his disposal to enslave the ancestors of the ThunderCats and the Animals into serving him so he would gather the Four Warstones to place on the Sword of Plun-Darr to become the most powerful being in the universe. But managing to take the fourth Warstone (which would become the Eye of Thundera) while staging a rebellion with the Animals' help, the ThunderCat Leo defeats Mumm-Ra and strips him of the other three stones. But when Mumm-Ra's pyramid spacecraft was pulled into Third Earth's atmosphere, Mumm-Ra entered his tomb to bide his time for everyone else to die in the resulting crash. However, the controls were smashed and Mumm-Ra was trapped within his pyramid as the stones and surviors spread across Third Earth. However, many centuries later, Mumm-Ra used Grune to release him from his prison and masterminded Thundera's downfall. With the aid of Grune and Slythe, Mumm-Ra not only plans to obtain the Eye of Thundera, but to regain the other three Warstones. Changes to Mumm-Ra for the 2011 version include demon wings on his Ever-Living form and having a weakness to intensely bright light. Mumm-Ra's weapons: Sword of Plun-Darr and Guantlet Shield.

List of ThunderCats (2011 TV series) episodes

001    The Sword of Omens (July 29, 2011)   
002    Ancient Spirits of Evil (July 29, 2011)
003    Ramlak Rising (August 05, 2011)
004    Song of the Petalars (August 12, 2011)
005    Old Friends (August 19, 2011)
006    Journey to the Tower of Omens (August 26, 2011)
007    Legacy (September 02, 2011)
008    The Duelist and the Drifter (September 09, 2011)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bleach Manga 466 Screaming Invader

Bleach Manga 466 Screaming Invader
 Bleach Manga 466 Screaming Invader is the continuation of the Bleach Manga series.

From the last episode Bleach Manga 465 Bad Blood Exhaust. The episode starts as Renjie tries to save Jackie. Renjie tries to get out. It appears that they will not be able to get out as long as one of them dies. Jackie appears to have died. On the other hand, Toshiro finally found Yukio. Yukio showed him his power saying when they are inside this game he is God. Toshiro showed him the power of Ice...

Naruto Shippuden 230 Revenge of the Shadow Clones

Naruto Shippuden 230 Revenge of the Shadow Clones

Naruto Shippuden 230 Revenge of the Shadow Clones, is the continuation of the Naruto Shippuden series.
From the last Episode Naruto Shippuden 229 Eat or Die! Mushrooms from Hell! Yes, another filler... well here it goes... as Naruto, Aoba, Guy and Yamato continue their voyage towards the Land of Lightning. The Episode starts when they encountered a storm. Everyone do there best, as what usually does he used his clones to remove the water in ship. The next day everybody was exhausted and Naruto's clones are not yet released. Everyone is resting when the pulley on the top of the ship snapped and almost hit Naruto, but one of the clones took the blow and shielded the original Naruto. As we all know when a clone is released the thoughts of that clone came back to Naruto. The clone that shielded the original Naruto is dreaming about the clones rights. So the thought of that clone took the original Naruto's mind. In that thought or shall I say dream the clone is dreaming about how the original Naruto is overusing them and therefore revolt to him and as some demands. On that dream 4 clones revolted to the original Naruto. Basically this 4 clones have the 4 qualities of the original Naruto. As it was described the first one is the lonely Naruto that was isolated when he was in the academy, the second one was the competitive one with Suske, the third one is the hero of the Konoha and the last one was the soft one which he used to make the nude girl clone. They took the original Naruto as a hostage. The Guy, Aoba, and Yamato rescued the original Naruto. As the clones talking Guy told the original and the other Naruto clones that he understand what they are undergoing but the original Naruto refuses to took those demands until the original Naruto uses more clones and as expected those other clones attacked him. The story ends as the original Naruto get over the dream of the clone and wake up from it. The Original Naruto is looking for the 4th clone since he is seeing only 3 clones. The other clones told him that the other one took the blow from the falling pulley that is why it was released. And he released the 3 other clones and took there thoughts... Well, as I expected the whole story was a dream and I cannot think that it is possible for the clones to revolt on the original one. Although the episode was just a filler, I think the episode is good.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Naruto Manga 557 Jouki Boy

Naruto Manga 557Jouki Boy

Naruto Manga 557 Jouki Boy, is the continuation of the Naruto Manga Series

From the last episode Naruto Manga 556 Gaara vs Mizukage. The Episode starts as the Mizukage uses his ninjutsu Steaming Danger Tyranny when Gaara tried to trap the Mizukage to his sand.. It appears that the Steaming Danger Tyranny is a ninjutsu using the oil on the Mizukage's body. Oonoki told them that in order to defeat the Steaming Danger Tyranny they need to find the true body of the Mizukage. Using one of the sensory type ninja and they have found the true body but when Gaara tried to attack the true body but his Steaming Danger Tyranny clone stopped him and was able to attack Gaara back. The Steaming Danger Tyranny attacked Gaara but he uses a Sand clone. Suddenly after that attach the Steaming Danger Tyranny slows down and Gaara since he is using the gold dust that his father left him. The Steaming Danger Tyranny slows down and Gaara was able to seal the Mizukage. Before the Mizukage was sealed and told him that he is the really the Golden duckling...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bleach Episode 341 Invading Army Arc, Final Conclusion!

Bleach Episode 341 Invading Army Arc, Final Conclusion!

Bleach Episode 341 Invading Army Arc, Final Conclusion! is the continuation of the Bleach Anime Series. And as part of the Gotei 13 Invading Army arc.

From the last episode Bleach Episode 340 Reigai vs. Original, The Fierce Fighting for Gambled Pride! Ichigo released his bankai and attacked Yushima. Kon, together with Rukia, Sado, Ishida and Renjie attacked together with Ichigo and was able to hit Yushima with his getsuga tensho at point blank. When Ichigo tried to finish him of he released his Renzan Hajokuri to finish him self together with the soul society. the the Gotei 13 invading army leave there battle with the originals and stopped Yushima's Renzan Hajokuri. Finally Ichigo finish Yushima and was able to separate Nazomi and Kageroza. And both of them died.

Monday, September 26, 2011

One Piece Manga 640 Right Above Fishman Island

One Piece Manga 640 Right Above Fishman Island

One Piece Manga 640 Right Above Fishman Island is the continuation of the One Piece Manga Series.

From the last episode One Piece Manga 639 I'll Protect Everything! Wadatsumi is really angry because he got hit. Zeo and Ikaros Much plan to take Nami out, but they are stopped by Brook and Franky. Chopper and Daruma continue their underground battle while Dosun tries to attack Usopp. Chopper manages to stop Dosun's strike while Usopp covers him by taking care of Daruma. Meanwhile, Zoro is seen still blocking Hyouzou's attacks. Outside the island, Shirahoshi manages to escape Hody Jones with a little help from her brothers and Luffy and makes the ship follow her in a different direction so it is not over Fishman Island. Vander Decken IX tries to remain conscious, but he hits his head and faints, leaving Noah to fall down on Fishman Island. 

One Piece 516 Luffy's Training Begins! To the Place We Promised in 2 Years!

One Piece 516 Luffy's Training Begins! To the Place We Promised in 2 Years!

One Piece 516 Luffy's Training Begins! To the Place We Promised in 2 Years! is the continuation of One Piece Anime Series.

Here is the summary One Piece 516 Luffy's Training Begins! To the Place We Promised in 2 Years! From the last episode One Piece 515 I Will Be Stronger! Zoro's Vow to the Captain!
Jimbei thanks Luffy for what he has done to him. Vowing to meet again at Fishman Island, Jimbei and Luffy go their separate ways. At Rayleigh's request, Hancock's ship lands on an Ruskaina, an abandoned island northwest of Maiden Island. As Hancock and Luffy go their separate ways, Rayleigh tells Luffy about the island. Luffy tries to attack a large elephant with Gear Second, but it fails. Rayleigh teaches Luffy two Haki techniques, using the first technique, Observation Haki - a power feeling a person's presence - to avoid the elephant's attack. Rayleigh then knocks out the elephant with Armament Haki, another technique used as an invisible shield and can render a Logia-type Devil Fruit user unconscious. Rayleigh also reveals that the Armament Haki can be transferred to a weapon. When the elephant tries to attack again, Rayleigh finally defeats it using the Conqueror's Haki, a rare type of Haki that can only be awakened by a user. Luffy promises to Rayleigh that he will stay for the next two years to control his Haki techniques and prepare to reunite with his crew. The next day, Luffy begins his training with Rayleigh. 

Here are the others training in action

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Naruto Shippuden 229 Eat or Die! Mushrooms from Hell!

Naruto Shippuden 229 Eat or Die! Mushrooms from Hell!
Naruto Shippuden 229 Eat or Die! Mushrooms from Hell! is the continuation of the Naruto Shippuden series.

From the last Episode Naruto Shippuden 228 Fight! Rock Lee! Another filler... well here it goes... as Naruto, Aoba, Guy and Yamato continue their voyage towards the Land of Lightning. The Episode starts as they docked to one of the fishing port to stock some food supplies  before the two weeks voyage in the vast ocean through the Sea Route of Silence. The Sea Route of Silence is a narrow canal towards the Land of Lightning where there are no fish, bird or wind, it is surrounded by a mysterious magnetic field that even steamships can't function it just have a small current flows that they need to boat ride so they cannot speed up or turn around. So Yamato ask Naruto to gather the stock of food supplies for two weeks where he meet a vegetable vendor that sold him the Mold Mushroom. So they set sail again to the Sea Route of Silence. Naruto just load up the supplies to the ship together with the mushroom. So they set sail again to the Sea Route of Silence. As they enter the Sea Route of Silence Yamato collapsed and Guy suddenly walk around as if he does not have a sea sick, since there are no waves and wind on the Sea Route of Silence. On the other hand the mushroom that Naruto bought from the vegetable vendor began to consume the supplies and it is too late they have noticed that even the drinking water is also been consumed by the mushroom. Naruto tried to go deep in the sea to look for any fish but found nothing even the sky does not even have a bird in sight. So the whole crew was drained for not having any food for days so Guy and Naruto decided to taste the mushroom even it has different colors and looks poisonous. After Guy and Naruto ate the mushroom they began to have a dark feeling and began attacking one another. Both of them took some blow and have took out the mushroom from there stomach. Naruto summon Gamatatsu and ask it to bring some food from the Myobokuzan mountain. A ship with pirates came and tried to rob the ship while the Naruto and the others pretend to be dead until the vegetable vendor reveal the intentions of selling Naruto the mushroom. So they have passed the Sea Route of Silence and Yamato woke up and Guy became seasick again. So until they arrive the Land of Lightning the only food that they will be consuming is the food from the Myobokuzan mountain.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bleach Manga 465 Bad Blood Exhaust

 Bleach Manga 465 Bad Blood Exhaust

Bleach Manga 465 Bad Blood Exhaust is the continuation of the Bleach Manga series.

From the last episode Bleach Manga 464 Quiet Chamber, Noisy Heart! The episode starts as Moe Shishigawara is fighting with Ikkaku Madarame.Moe Shishigawara attacked Ikkaku Madarame from behind and got Ikkaku Madarame shoulder dislocated with a lucky punch using the Jackpot Knuckle. Ikkaku was able to relocate his shoulder by just using his muscles. On the other hand the battle between Renji Abarai with Jackie Tristan. Jackie ask Renji to draw his sword when he pulled out a motor bike engine and have his self dirty for his fullbring the dirty boots. Renji refused to draw his sword and took an attack from Jackie. Jackie was surprised when Renji was not even affected by her best shot. Jackie tried to attack again but Renji just used the handle of his sword and revieled that he has been training to fight Aizen for the past 17 months... A Veteran's Valor...
It appears that Ikkaku and Renji has an upper hand on this battle. What will happen next?

Naruto Manga 556 Gaara vs Mizukage

Naruto Manga 556 Gaara vs Mizukage

Naruto Manga 556 Gaara vs Mizukage, is the continuation of the Naruto Manga Series

From the last episode Naruto Manga 555 Contradiction!  The episode starts as Gaara's absolute defense colapses. The Mizukage is using some liquid and Gaara thinks it resembles to oil than water. This liquid seeps into his sand and destroys it. Tsuchikage Oonoki found the giant clam that is causing the mirage but since he uses too much chackra earlier in fighting Muu he was not able to use his dust techniques so hi jump in and use an Earth element rockfist technique to smash the giant clam but as the Mizukage said if he don't put his back on it the punch with the Earth element rockfist technique is useless so Tsuchikage Oonoki uses the earth element super aggravated rock technique and he smashed the clam but he uses his back since his old and has an injury on his back he was almost caught with the Mizukage's hoozuki clan's water gun technique. But he uses a sand clone from Gaara to escape that attack. So Gaara tried to use the sand to trap the Mizukage but since it uses the clan's water it was able to break through so Gaara uses his Desert's Great Sand Funeral to capture the Mizukage and when the sealing team trying to initiate the sealing technique the Mizukage tried to break through using Infinite Blast Ninjutsu. The Steam Dangerous Tyranny. The pure bloodlust called waked up the tyrant.

Here are some colored scanlation from the Naruto Manga 556 Gaara vs Mizukage.
 The Third Raikage
 Naruto in Sage mode with the Rasengan
 Naruto creating the Bijuu Ball or the (Tailed Beast Rasengan)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bleach Episode 340 Reigai vs. Original, The Fierce Fighting for Gambled Pride!

 Bleach Episode 340 Reigai vs. Original, The Fierce Fighting for Gambled Pride!

Bleach Episode 340 Reigai vs. Original, The Fierce Fighting for Gambled Pride! is the continuation of the Bleach Anime Series. And as part of the Gotei 13 Invading Army arc.

From the last episode Bleach Episode 339 Protect Ichigo! The Bonds of Friends! Yushima's Zanpakuto stabs Hollow Ichigo, and within his own consciousness he can see Nozomi inside Yushima's as well. Nozomi calls out to Ichigo, but before he can do anything to help her, Yushima regains his will and attacks him, causing his Hollow-self to break apart. Now powerless once again, Ichigo is left to watch as his friends attempt to overpower Yushima. But no matter what they try, he finds a way to break through it. Yushima has reigai-Nemu bring him something that will help the fusion become permanent, and when she arrives, she unexpectedly kicks him backward. It is revealed that Kon was helped by Urahara and Mayuri by placing his Soul Candy into that of the reigai. Kon gives Ichigo a complete gikongan which he takes, and it restores his Shinigami powers. He prepares to unleash his bankai against Yushima. Meanwhile, Byakuya has deduced that the reigai do not sacrifice themselves to attack the originals when they are all together, as it goes against what they and Yushima believe in. The originals join forces against the reigai to protect the Soul Society.

Monday, September 19, 2011

One Piece 515 I Will Be Stronger! Zoro's Vow to the Captain

One Piece 515 I Will Be Stronger! Zoro's Vow to the Captain!

One Piece 515 I Will Be Stronger! Zoro's Vow to the Captain! is the continuation of One Piece Anime Series.

Here is the summary
One Piece 515 I Will Be Stronger! Zoro's Vow to the Captain! From the last episode One Piece 514 Living through Hell! Sanji's Fight for His Manhood! 

The episode starts off with an island called Kenzan Island, home of the Thena Ghana Kingdom in the Grand Line. Brook tries to train himself so he can reach 45 degrees, but this fails. The skeleton decides to perform his new song, "Bone to be Wild", on a guitar.Meanwhile, under the East Blue's large bridge, the Revolutionaries learn of Robin's past with Crocodile as they depart to Baltigo. Despite Robin finally decides to improve herself by joining them. At the Bowin Islands, Usopp ask Heracules to train him and be his master. Heracules tells Usopp about the Pop Greens, which can be used as a weapon, before he begins to exercise again. On Karakuri Island, Mihawk declines Zoro's request to train him, but after realizing that Zoro defeated the Humandrills or the baboons, Mihawk finally decides to teach him. Zoro then proceeds to begin his training by fighting the strongest Humandrills. The Straw Hats discover Luffy's message: they will train hard before reuniting two years from now.
Here are some Snapshots from the episode of One Piece 515 I Will Be Stronger! Zoro's Vow to the Captain!
 Brook playing Born to be Wild
Robin with the revolutionaries on the way to Baltigo
 Usoff asking Hercules to be his master
Zoro asking Mihawk to train him
Zoro asking Mihawk to train him 

Zoro vs the strongest Humandrill the first day of training