Thursday, September 29, 2011

Naruto Shippuden 230 Revenge of the Shadow Clones

Naruto Shippuden 230 Revenge of the Shadow Clones

Naruto Shippuden 230 Revenge of the Shadow Clones, is the continuation of the Naruto Shippuden series.
From the last Episode Naruto Shippuden 229 Eat or Die! Mushrooms from Hell! Yes, another filler... well here it goes... as Naruto, Aoba, Guy and Yamato continue their voyage towards the Land of Lightning. The Episode starts when they encountered a storm. Everyone do there best, as what usually does he used his clones to remove the water in ship. The next day everybody was exhausted and Naruto's clones are not yet released. Everyone is resting when the pulley on the top of the ship snapped and almost hit Naruto, but one of the clones took the blow and shielded the original Naruto. As we all know when a clone is released the thoughts of that clone came back to Naruto. The clone that shielded the original Naruto is dreaming about the clones rights. So the thought of that clone took the original Naruto's mind. In that thought or shall I say dream the clone is dreaming about how the original Naruto is overusing them and therefore revolt to him and as some demands. On that dream 4 clones revolted to the original Naruto. Basically this 4 clones have the 4 qualities of the original Naruto. As it was described the first one is the lonely Naruto that was isolated when he was in the academy, the second one was the competitive one with Suske, the third one is the hero of the Konoha and the last one was the soft one which he used to make the nude girl clone. They took the original Naruto as a hostage. The Guy, Aoba, and Yamato rescued the original Naruto. As the clones talking Guy told the original and the other Naruto clones that he understand what they are undergoing but the original Naruto refuses to took those demands until the original Naruto uses more clones and as expected those other clones attacked him. The story ends as the original Naruto get over the dream of the clone and wake up from it. The Original Naruto is looking for the 4th clone since he is seeing only 3 clones. The other clones told him that the other one took the blow from the falling pulley that is why it was released. And he released the 3 other clones and took there thoughts... Well, as I expected the whole story was a dream and I cannot think that it is possible for the clones to revolt on the original one. Although the episode was just a filler, I think the episode is good.