Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bleach Manga 465 Bad Blood Exhaust

 Bleach Manga 465 Bad Blood Exhaust

Bleach Manga 465 Bad Blood Exhaust is the continuation of the Bleach Manga series.

From the last episode Bleach Manga 464 Quiet Chamber, Noisy Heart! The episode starts as Moe Shishigawara is fighting with Ikkaku Madarame.Moe Shishigawara attacked Ikkaku Madarame from behind and got Ikkaku Madarame shoulder dislocated with a lucky punch using the Jackpot Knuckle. Ikkaku was able to relocate his shoulder by just using his muscles. On the other hand the battle between Renji Abarai with Jackie Tristan. Jackie ask Renji to draw his sword when he pulled out a motor bike engine and have his self dirty for his fullbring the dirty boots. Renji refused to draw his sword and took an attack from Jackie. Jackie was surprised when Renji was not even affected by her best shot. Jackie tried to attack again but Renji just used the handle of his sword and revieled that he has been training to fight Aizen for the past 17 months... A Veteran's Valor...
It appears that Ikkaku and Renji has an upper hand on this battle. What will happen next?