Thursday, September 1, 2011

Naruto Shippuden 227 The Forgotten Island

Naruto Shippuden 227 The Forgotten Island

Naruto Shippuden 227 The Forgotten Island is the continuation of the Naruto Shippuden series.

From the last Episode Naruto Shippuden 226 Battleship Island. Another filler... well here it goes... as Naruto, Aoba, Guy and Yamato continue their voyage towards the Land of Lightning. Episode starts a storm and a large bird took Guy. and when the storm clears up they found an Island. This Island is said to be a summoning island where the large animals such as giant snake, centepede, spider and more... Aoba saw a girl and tried to pursue her and it leads him to a house where he found a journal about the island. It is said on the journal that they tried to create an ultimate summoning animal. The girl lead Aoba to the research lab in the crater of the volcano where they found the ultimate summoning animal sleeping. Naruto, Guy and Yamato was brought by the large bird on the lab and some of the animals followed them and when the animals come close to the ultimate summoning animal it eats them and assimilates them. It appears that the ultimate summoning animal can use genjutsu and lightning style element. It appears that the girl that led Aoba to the lab is just an embodiment of her thoughts since the girl and the rest of the research team has already been eaten by the ultimate summoning animal. The thoughts of the girl tried to seal the ultimate summoning animal and Naruto used the rasen shuriken to kill the ultimate summoning animal and fall in the crater of the volcano.

Here Are some Snapshots from the Naruto Shippuden 227 The Forgotten Island: