Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bleach Manga 470 Pray For Predators

 Bleach Manga 470 Pray For Predators

Bleach Manga 470 Pray For Predators is the continuation of the Bleach Manga series.

From the last episode Bleach Manga 469 Rag Lag Rumble.
As Rukia was trapped inside the bunny which was the effect of Riruka's fullbring. Ichigo continues to fight Ginjou. Ishida was observing Ginjou and it appears that he does not only have Ichigo's full bring but also his reiatsu. Ishida tries to warn Ichigo but its too late. Ichigo tries to attack Ginjou with a getsuga tensho but it was just absorbed by Ginjou which means that he can absorb powers and all the abilities of his opponent. Then back to Riruka as he explain to there "Laws of the Jungle" and as she reminisce the past through her eyes.