Thursday, October 13, 2011

Naruto Shippuden 232 The Girls' Get-Together

Naruto Shippuden 232 The Girls' Get-Together

Naruto Shippuden 232 The Girls' Get-Together, is the continuation of the Naruto Shippuden series.

From the last Episode Naruto Shippuden 231 The Closed Route.
Another filler... well here it goes...
The Episode starts as Hinata is practicing. She still striving to be strong. Kurinai is talking to Hinata when Shikamaru told Hinata that Lady Tsunade is looking for her. So she look for Lady Tsunade where she came across with some comrades that is busy preparing for the war. Ten ten approach Hinata and Sakura that they will have a get together later on the barbecue restaurant. later. Finally, Hinata found Lady Tsunade just finish the meeting the elders and some members of the strategical team for the war. It appears that the everyone is pressured about the coming war. Lady Tsunade, just informed Hinata that Neji will be the one leading the Hyuga clan on the front line but Lady Tsunade told her that she should keep doing what she must do. Then came night and Hinata, Sakura, Ten ten, Ino and the one from the intelligence division came to the barbecue restaurant. They all agree that this time they should be the one protecting Naruto. Tsunade came also on the restaurant trying to re leave some stress.  In the last part of the episode Hinata is talking to Neji telling him that she wants to get stronger but Neji says that she is already strong but she said that she needs to get much stronger since she wants to protect Naruto....