Thursday, October 20, 2011

Naruto Shippuden 233 Naruto's Impostor

Naruto Shippuden 233 Naruto's Impostor
Naruto Shippuden 233 Naruto's Imposter, is the continuation of the Naruto Shippuden series.

From the last Episode Naruto Shippuden 232 The Girls' Get-Together...Another filler... well here it goes...
as Naruto, Aoba, Guy and Yamato continue their voyage towards the Land of Lightning. They need to travel by land upto the next harbor through the Land of Water. While traveling they came across with thief that is saying he is Uzumaki Naruto. The thief's name is Banna, aside from his large body his kinda weakling and his partner Iggy that is always using him. The Banna encountered 4 mercenaries that is looking for the real Naruto but since he is saying that he is Naruto they abducted him. Iggy tried to rescue Banna but too coward to stand so he ask Naruto and the others to help him save Banna. Naruto and the others refused to help him saying that they are in a hurry. Well, that is just to test the friendship of the two. In the end the real Naruto helped the two.